DC Universe Animated Original Movies (also known as DC Universe Original Movies or DC Universe Movies) are a series of American video superhero animation films, based on the characters and stories of DC Comics, produced mainly by Warner Bros. Animation. The films are usually independent projects that are adaptations of popular works or original stories. From 2013 to 2020, the universe of DC animated films was a subseer that presented several films that took place in a shared universe, influenced predominantly by The NEW 52. Normally they are made for a higher audience compared to the DC animated universe and Other projects, and also with ex-students of DCAU as Bruce Timm, which mainly served as an executive producer or as a producer until Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, before returning from the League of Justice: Gods and Monsters. Since starting with Superman: Doomsday 2007, the series was generally well received and had constantly good sales. The possibility of Gotham Knights Cros...